quarta-feira, 5 de setembro de 2007

Livros para aprender a desenhar

Recebi no Email e resovi postar para a moçada aki... dica enviada por Dlanor Amil

"Olá! Gosto muito do seu blog e por isso resolvi contribuir com essa coletânea de livros sobre desenho para que vc poste no seu blog.

1 - Christopher_Hart - Cartoning_for_beginner.rar
download: http://w13.easy-share.com/3528801.html

2 - Trung Le - How to Draw Anime for Beginner.pdf
download: http://w13.easy-share.com/3528791.html

3 - L.Duff, J.Davies - Drawing - The Process.pdf
download: http://w14.easy-share.com/3503831.html

4 - Betty Edwards - Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain (português).pdf
download: http://w14.easy-share.com/3503821.html

5 - Walt Stanchfield - Gesture Drawing for Animation.pdf
download: http://w14.easy-share.com/3502791.html

6 - Giovanni_Civardi - Drawing_Portraits_Faces_And_Figures.pdf
download: http://w14.easy-share.com/3502281.html

7 - Kimon_Nicolaides - The_Natural_Way_To_Draw.zip
download: http://w14.easy-share.com/3541391.html

8 - Andrew_Loomis - The Eye Of The Painter.pdf
download: http://w13.easy-share.com/3490151.html

9 - Andrew_Loomis - Successful Drawing.pdf
download: http://w13.easy-share.com/3488561.html

10 - 2_Drawing-teaching Perspective Foundations.pdf
download: http://w13.easy-share.com/3484221.html

11 - Christopher_Hart - Drawing_on_the_Funny_Side_of_the_Brain.pdf
download: http://w13.easy-share.com/3483191.html

12 - Christopher_Hart - Cartoon_Cool.rar
download: http://w14.easy-share.com/3481141.html

13 - Les_Pardew - Figure_Drawing_with_Virtual_Models.pdf
download: http://w14.easy-share.com/3451301.html

14 - Lee_J_James - Draw_50_Flowers_Trees_And_Other_Plants.pdf
download: http://w14.easy-share.com/3450831.html

15 - Will_Eisner - La_Narración_Gráfica.rar
download: http://w14.easy-share.com/3440491.html

16 - Gwen_White - Perspective_A Guide for Artists, Architects and Designers.rar
download: http://w12.easy-share.com/3434541.html

17 - Andrew_Loomis - Drawing_Heads_And_Hands.pdf
download: http://w14.easy-share.com/3433981.html

18 - Burne_Hogarth - Dynamic_Wrinkles_and_Drapery.rar
download: http://w13.easy-share.com/3431951.html

19 - Rich_Buckler - Secrets_of_Drawing_Comics.pdf
download: http://w14.easy-share.com/3430571.html

20 - Draw_50_Monsters.rar
download: http://w14.easy-share.com/3428271.html

21 - Bruce_Blitz - How_To_Draw_Blitz_Cartoons.rar
download: http://w14.easy-share.com/3427341.html

22 - Harold_Speed - The_Practice_And_Science_Of_Drawing.pdf
download: http://w14.easy-share.com/3426981.html

23 - Susan_Sonkin - How_to_Draw_Baby_Animals.pdf
download: http://w13.easy-share.com/3426641.html

24 - Robert_Knox - A_manual_of_artistic_anatomy.pdf
download: http://w14.easy-share.com/3393301.html

25 - Ernest_R_Norling - Perspective_Made_Easy.pdf
download: http://w14.easy-share.com/3391371.html

26 - Charles_H_Weigall - The_art_of_figure_drawing.pdf
download: http://w14.easy-share.com/3387341.html

27 - G_E_Hicks - A_Guide_To_Figure_Drawing.pdf
download: http://w14.easy-share.com/3386621.html

28 - Bridgmans_Complete_Guide_To_Drawing_From_Life.pdf
download: http://w13.easy-share.com/3538331.html

29 - Henry_warren - Artistic_anatomy_of_the_human_figure.pdf
download: http://w14.easy-share.com/3579281.html

30 - Benjamin_R_Green - A_guide_to_pictorial_perspective.pdf
download: http://w14.easy-share.com/3579261.html

31 - Easy Lessons in Perspective Including Instructions for Sketching from Nature.pdf
download: http://w14.easy-share.com/3579271.html

32 - Robert_Scott_Burn - The_Illustrated_London_Drawing_book.pdf
download: http://w14.easy-share.com/3579291.html

33 - J_G_Chapman - The American drawing-book.part1.rar
download: http://w14.easy-share.com/3579251.html

34 - J_G_Chapman - The American drawing-book.part2.rar
download: http://w14.easy-share.com/3583211.html

35 - Michael_D_Mattesi - Force_-_The_Key_to_Capturing_Life_Through_Drawing.rar
download: http://w14.easy-share.com/3589341.html

36 - Andrew_Loomis - Fun_With_A_Pencil.pdf
download: http://w13.easy-share.com/3652511.html

37 - Andrew_Loomis - Figure Drawing_For_All_its_Worth.pdf
download: http://w13.easy-share.com/3652501.html

38 - Burne_Hogarth - Dynamic_Light_and_Shade_(Russian).pdf
download: http://w14.easy-share.com/3685171.html

39 - Glenn Villpu - The Vilppu Drawing Manual - Basic Figure Drawing.part1.rar
download: http://w14.easy-share.com/3690951.html

40 - Glenn Villpu - The Vilppu Drawing Manual - Basic Figure Drawing.part2.rar
download: http://w14.easy-share.com/3690971.html

41 - Glenn Villpu - The Vilppu Drawing Manual - Basic Figure Drawing.part3.rar
download: http://w14.easy-share.com/3713971.html

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